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We will conduct a thorough review of your application and verify you are who you say you are. We will follow up with your references. Call your vet. And call your landlord. We also check the animal allowance in your city.
If everything checks out, we will schedule a time for a virtual home check. This is essential to verifying your location and living arrangements.
Background checks may be required. Animal abusers need not apply. We will be watching for you.





Next, we will discuss the details of your application and what you're looking for and go over your adoption potentials. This is where we match you with your next family member.



Once you are approved, you can come on-site to meet your new family member … or a member of our team can bring the dog to your front door. 
Complimentary transportation throughout the continental United States is available.

Do we transport? Absolutely!  We would love for you to visit the rescue, but if you cannot, a member of our team will bring your new husky to you. We want to meet our families and know where the dog we rescued will be living. We transport all over the country so if you decide to travel and pick your husky up, we would like to stop by at some point to hug them and do an in-person home check.


Do we need fosters? We do not run a traditional foster-based program.  Each husky that is rescued is brought to the rescue for rehab and vetting, and when possible, we work to place the husky directly into an adoptive home.  In rare cases, we will place a husky at the rescue into foster if he or she needs more home skills before being adopted into a permanent home.  You can contact us at to discuss any current foster needs! 

Are your pets spayed and neutered? Be prepared to give medical or valid reason why if your answer is no. In a world where dogs are dying by the thousands in this country every single week, no-one should be considering breeding their pets or taking the risk of pregnancy by not being spayed. If you refuse to spay and neuter your pet for reasons other than what a vet recommends then we are not on the same mission and you need not apply. 

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What happens if you can no longer keep your dog? You call us first. Please. There is zero reason to rehome the dog you adopted from H3. We are here to support you throughout the dogs entire life. H3 will do the rehoming. H3 chose to save the dog that you adopted and pulled him out of a shelter just hours from being euthanized. Please do not make us have to rerescue our dogs. We are here for you for life. Whatever the issue is, we can help. 

We don't require a fence. We have 6 foot metal bars surrounded by a 4ft concrete sidewalk and coyote rollers lining the top.. We will always meet the one husky that can jump it and have had many here that can. So we cannot require a fence. But, if you tell us that you need our husky to be outside unsupervised then we would require that you have containment solid enough to keep them safe. FYI, most huskies can jump a four foot fence. 

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If you can no longer care for your adopted husky, you MUST return them to us.  We are partners in caring for that husky for the rest of their lives. Together, you and we will make sure that the husky will never end up in a shelter again or become at risk for death, neglect or abuse. 

All of our Halfway Huskies are fully vetted before getting adopted, including spay/neuter, microchip, vaccinations, flea/tick prevention, heartworm prevention, and dewormer. Thanks to the generosity of our donors, We do not charge adoption fees.   
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Please email with any questions.

Meet the Halfway Huskies
click on their picture to learn more about each one

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Thank you for helping H3 save another life and for opening your home to a halfway husky.

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