Puppies are not Christmas presents, they’re 15+ year commitments. Puppies aren’t easy and 1-2 year olds are still just as crazy and need time patience, routine and training!
Alright I need everyone to rally together, lots of shares, likes and comments for this guy. He is the last of Sansa’s litter and he needs a forever home all of us brothers and his sister have homes. Let’s get him one too!!
Jason is obviously so cute and he wants to be with his people, he is very spunky and has good amount of energy. He does amazing in his crate but still potty training. His birthday is September 18th and has had his first two shots and dewormer! Pick up is in Harwood Maryland, adoption fee is 400!Please help me find his family, he’s so ready and he deserves this!! Leave no puppy behind!!
#rescuepup #adoptmeplease #foreverhomeneeded #adoptme #takemehome #puppylove #rescuedogsrock #adoptionsaveslives

Awww I pray he finds a home before Christmas 🎄 🙏 🥰😍😘❣️