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Check These Out!

Updated: Aug 16

Our good friends at Husky Coffee Co are running a special THIS month!

Drink Coffee. Save Dogs.

For very item you purchase, they will donate a collar, leash, or blanket to your rescue of choice.

This is an amazing offer for our rescue, as you can imagine! We have 200 plus dogs in our care who EACH need a collar and leash when they are home bound.

This little coffee company has supported H3 in many ways, we are grateful for their generosity.



Whelp.... here we go again

ANOTHER reason our supporters are incredible!

Not only do yall rally behind us, stand up for these huskies, share our stories, and give so graciously..... but yall are hosting fundraisers too?!

THANK YOU for running this race with us. Together we WILL save them all

Check out this Pampered Chef fundraiser

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Jenn Wischer
Jenn Wischer
8월 16일

I've clicked the link and Nada. Please fix the link my lovely ladies. Mia wants to help those that follow her 😀

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