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We need someone to take a four-day luxury getaway to Southern California to help us save more California huskies. Any takers?

We're talking daily massages. Facial treatments. Herbal wraps. Body scrubs. Personal training sessions. Sunrise hikes (optional, I promise.) Farm to table eating. Every form of fitness class under the sun, from reformer Pilates to archery to yoga nidra. Two labyrinths for quiet contemplation and reflection. Strolls through bamboo groves and sunbathing by the koi pond. And all in a Zen, Japanese themed environment. The price tag? Normally an eyepopping $9,400. Your cost? A raffle ticket that will cost a tiny fraction of that amount.

Sound too good to be true? It is not.

Back in 2016, I visited the Golden Door for the first time. I was an exhausted senior associate trying to make partner and I urgently needed a reprieve like the one described above. Googling "best destination spas" led me to the Golden Door, a sanctuary in San Marcos, California that counts everyone from Barbra Streisand to Oprah to Martha Stewart to Elizabeth Taylor to Dorothy Hamill among its clients. But what was much more interesting to me about Golden Door than its celebrity clientele was that they proudly donated all of their profits to charities. I made a mental note.

I did not know then that many years and several visits later, I would call Golden Door's CEO and tell her that I needed her help to keep huskies in her region alive, or that she would so graciously make such a generous donation to stand with this community and our life-saving work.

But I did. And she did. And now I get to introduce one of our supporters to this amazing, charity-driven establishment and give you the getaway of a lifetime, while also raising the money that we need to rescue huskies who are having a very different and considerably less luxurious experience in Southern California. I could not be more grateful and excited for this fundraiser. More details soon.

Are YOU willing to get massages for the huskies?

Because one of you is just going to have to bite the bullet, step up, and take this one for the team.

Will it be you? May the odds be ever in your favor.


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Is there a link specifically to buy tickets for this raffle?


I would buy a few for this but if i had the money i would just go even if i stayed in a motel 6 or something anything to help the huskies as ling as i am able to


Jun 29



Jun 29

Count me in! Great opportunity and gifting!!


Holy moly!! INCREDIBLE!! Absolutely buying a raffle ticket for this ♡

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