Bethany said that we can go to midnight her time since she is in California! That's means that we have 8 more hours to keep raising money for the rescue that will be DOUBLE MATCHED. Lemme say that again. DOUBLE MATCHED.
We are currently over $20,000 that we have raised so you know what that means right? H3 gets $60,000!!!SAY WHAT!!!??? BUT WAIT!! We still have 8 hours to raise more!!! Anything we raise here on FB through Bethany's birthday fundraiser, linked below, to PayPal, Venmo's, checks, anyways you can donate will be matched DOUBLE.
Is it too much to ask you skip the fancy dinner tonight and help the huskies work towards a spay and neuter clinic? For the next 8 hours we can make that happen! 1 means 3. Please guys!! Do it now!!!
ANYONE that donates today gets a free raffle ticket to the drawing for the cuteness you see in that picture!!!!!
Click this link to buy the raffle ticket and use the code RAFFLE$5 to get it free. We will check the name against all the donations so no worry about confirming.
This is the biggest day for us. Our future is literally being shaped as we speak. Help us make it happen! You KNOW that we are going to use this money to make a difference. I promise you that.
Let's do this Here is the link to donate to that double matched birthday fundraiser.
Thank you so much Bethany for doing this for the huskies. Happy Birthday.
