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Gibson has a very important announcement for everyone and he just wants to make sure everyone can hear him! So here is the deal: We need your help and we only have two days to do it! Please help nominate H3 for the Tractor Supply Co. fundraiser. Share, ask your friends/ family to nominate us! we have two days to do this but if we win that’s 25k for the huskies. So, all hands & paws on deck let’s do this!

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8 comentarios

Tiffany Skoog
Tiffany Skoog
17 sept 2023

Nominated H3 !!!💜🙏🐶. Good luck 🍀

Me gusta

16 sept 2023

Sent in nomination.....good luck!

Me gusta

Nancy Hoefen
Nancy Hoefen
16 sept 2023


Me gusta

Heather Bennett
Heather Bennett
16 sept 2023

Me and Dean sent in our nomination

Me gusta

Bellisima Benelli
Bellisima Benelli
16 sept 2023

Done and shared to my feed yesterday 🥰😍😘

Me gusta
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