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Huskies Love their Pool!

Huskies are loving the swimming pool, I’m so glad we were able to give them this! Now to start working towards the next project so we can keep providing the absolute best care until they find a forever home.

We still need 7,800 of you to sign up for $10 monthly support and it just so happens we are doing a waffle around this. If you sign up before Sunday at midnight, you’ll be entered in a chance win!

If you’ve already signed up, no need to worry as long as your signed up for $10 or more monthly support you’ve been entered! Help us keep rescuing and providing our huskies and future huskies with the best! Together we will, until they all have homes.

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2 comentários

14 de ago. de 2023

It’s amazing how well behaved they are. Very calm. It seems like they all get along very well!


12 de ago. de 2023

I am signed up for 25$ a month for awhile now, wish I could do more.

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