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I have two available spots for anywhere from here to NC.

I need homes. Let me say that again. I need homes.

I’ll waive transport fees for those wanting to adopt and for those unsure or would like to help a few halfway huskies learn some home skills, please fill out a foster app and if you decide your halfway husky is a keeper, I’ll waive the adoption fees too.

What do you have to lose?

I’ll tell you what you gain!! You save two lives, the life I can save since you freed up a spot and the life you will save by freeing a spot in the shelter.

Think about it.

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Jan 19

I love the 1st husky in this video. It’s love at first sight for me. ❤️


Love those howls, music to my ears! 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰❣️

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