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K9 Flu Outbreak- WE NEED DONATIONS, We NEED our own on site Vet Clinic!


There was light in my eyes when I opened them today. I brought Oakley to my room last night and kept my hand on his chest and paws, listening for the silence. I woke up with a start and realized that he was still with me.

I started walking around and calling for everyone to get up and on their feet and they did.

A true form of hell. The pain, the dread, the hopelessness, knowing the nearest ER is two hours away and already full of my dogs needing help. For a virus to take a healthy pups lungs in 8 hours is an absolute nightmare and I saw it myself I saw in Kodas eyes, my sons dog. I promised my boys I would do everything I could for him as I dropped them at school. He was scared, but I was with him. I kept his eyes on mine and whispered to him as I pumped his chest told him that it was almost over. I kissed his face twice for each of my boys before I handed him to the school that would run all of the tests we needed to determine what is taking them so quickly.

With Kodas body we were able to determine that it is in fact K9 flu that we have and have requested they pull whatever they need to test for anything that might teach us how to do better next time.

I almost lost myself. We all did. myself, Melissa, Annabelle, Jesse and Eric, Rob and my two boys, we can’t do this again. It’s too much. Too much for everyone.

We lost 4 huskies this week to the K9 flu. 4 times our heart broke as they slipped away.

We have 3 here that are critical. The ER vet, called me yesterday to tell me that Koda (another Koda) was not recovering and was in a lot of pain and asked permission to let him go. They had already done everything they could but hell and septic pneumonia was not giving up. So I said yes and immediately asked if Doodle could have his spot. Doodle is alive this morning because of Koda.

Doodle is my old man, as I watched his lungs fill last night I started to say goodbye. I told him that he is the tough guy around here, he survived losing his dad after 11 years and made his way into my bedroom where he has been sleeping every night, he might as well show all these kids how to handle pneumonia. He obliged and I cannot be more grateful.

Over 20 hours of driving back and forth to vets that can help, vet school for testing, no sleep as we nurse 100 dogs into hydration, 2000 pills prescribed and administered, 10,000 in vet bills over the past 3 days with us begging each to hold on and pull through, knowing all I fucking needed was pills and fluids onsite and I could have fixed this. I could have saved them all.

I cannot do this again guys. We cannot. My kids cannot walk from room to room and see what they are seeing. Myself and my team. We are only human and our hearts are breaking.

I have made a formal decision.

H3 is closing its doors to new intakes. There is NO WAY I can rescue a husky and bring him here to need rescuing again. We have to do better. We have to have better access to care. In order for me to properly care for this many I HAVE TO HAVE shelter medicine available. I have to have a vet.

It’s time. It’s time for us to never let this happen again. It’s time for us to build a clinic for this community and for this rescue so we can keep doing the big things we NEED to do. We cannot bring more in until we can care for them if something happens.

I have a building. I have the land. I have the clients. I have the brand. I need a vet clinic so instead of spending my time and energy rescuing dogs I may need to rerescue, I am going to build them something that can handle them. I WANT to take down the puppy mills, I WANT to go to California and load my van with huskies from shelters but I can’t bring them here to be at risk. Ever again.

So before H3 can continue to rescue, we will be building our clinic.

I don’t have the money for a clinic. We can’t afford it but the real question is how can we afford not to?

I need 100k for equipement. I need another 100k to remodel properly. I don’t need a million to get this done. I have already got the base. It’s not that much. Raising 200k is not too much to ask to be able to properly rescue the masses. I want to rescue the masses, we NEED to rescue the masses, I want to spay and neuter every dog and cat in my state for free then move on to the next state and the next. With a vet clinic we can rescue without worry, we can keep diseases under control and not have to drive two hours to the vet while we watch them slip away on our laps in the car. That happened twice this week. Twice too many times.

I hope you understand why I have to shift our focus on a clinic and I hope you will all continue to support the huskies and help us get through this faster. I can figure this out. I can sell my car and refinance my house but that will take time we don’t have. We need to do this now. Now. So for the best few months all of my energy and fundraising efforts will be going to a vet clinic because every day that goes by that we are not set up is another 25 huskies dead in shelters.

It’s time guys. It’s time for H3 to take the next step. You were with me the day I started, you were here everytime I almost gave up and you didn’t let me. I need you here now helping me get a clinic going. I need 200k and while to sound like a ridiculous ask, is it really? Is it really too much to ask to build something for the community that would essential work to solve the problem we are working so hard to solve. It’s right here, it’s in each of your pockets or couches or car floors. If everyone of you donated $20 in change you can find on your car floor, then we can build a vet clinic and get back to rescuing huskies.

You in? It’s not much. It’s not hard. It’s a tiny thing for everyone to contribute a little and with it H3 will do big things. The biggest. We will provide spay, neuter and emergency services to our community and we will rescue the masses. With a clinic onsite we could potentially rescue them all.

Let’s give it a shot. Please. $20 if you can. If you can’t, how about the change on your floor board. We need it. The huskies need it and we need it now. Please help. tax deductible donations happen here. We are 501c3, legit and do everything we say we will do. I have shown you that. You can trust me. We can do this.

Donate now. PayPal and Venmo

And if someone wants to make a large enough donation to make a dent in what we need I will be ecstatic to put your business name, foundation name on the building or on a sign on the highway frontage I own, or whatever is you would like to let the entire world know how much you care about us. It’s tax deductible and all important.

Reach out please


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