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Rescue ride happening now!!

Donations needed!!!

Two weeks into the new year and who has done more road trips than me?

3 times I have watched the sunrise in TN, 3 times passes under the colorful Memphis bridge, way more than 3 nights van camping and 3 huskies going into foster homes.

I love the number 3. I do! Not sure why!?

You know, if all of you would send the huskies just $3, I could literally finish that vet clinic right now.

That’s a lot to ask... so can a few of you pitch in the $3 to help cover this rescue ride? 3 huskies going into foster for a 3000-mile road trip.

You in for 3? pretty please?

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You got it!

My husband is from Memphis, we’ve been married 45 years. Nice city both old part and newer parts. I go ten times your request and make it $30. Drive safely and stay aware of your surroundings. So happy you could make this Memphis Road Trip of 2024. Thank you for doing these and to the now husky owners- Bless you for opening your hearts and taking in the best breed in the world for companionship!!!!


Safe travels Jenni and babies 🥰🥰🥰❣️

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