Have you ever been part of saving a life?
I was at H3 last week. It’s always impactful to be at the rescue. And the part that hits hardest is sitting next to a dog who was scheduled to die, and you feel their heart still beating.
And you know you’re part of the reason why.
For me, it started on a prior Giving Tuesday. I woke up to a message from Jenni. She’d been working hard towards the most important day of the year for nonprofits, preparing her case to ask people who care about abandoned and abused and traumatized dogs to help keep them alive. I didn’t know her well, but I could see this was someone prepared to give everything she had to keep these dogs alive and give them the life they had long deserved but been denied.
So I did something I’ve never done before. I donated $5000. It was a big, scary, stressful, head spinning number, but I figured it would keep dogs alive who would otherwise die.
When I saw our Giving Tuesday video this year, I was overcome with emotion. Yards that were dirt when I arrived at H3 are now paved with concrete to facilitate sanitation. Undeveloped land is now a half acre dog park. A place that could only keep 100 dogs alive can now sustain 250. A place that had a skeleton staff now has 16 core team members who give their hearts and souls every day to care for these abandoned and abused dogs.
From the donor side: please choose H3 as your Giving Tuesday charity, to keep these dogs alive. For their sake but also for yours. I want you to be able to look back a couple of years from now and see everything that we’ve been able to accomplish for these dogs as a community. I want you to be able to reflect on how things were back in the day in 2024 and how you were a part of taking them to the next level. I don’t want anyone to miss out on being a part of what we are creating here.
Look at this trailer for our documentary. You know you want to be a part of this.
This is not a moment, it’s a movement.
Join us. Until they all have homes.
Text EAW to 89871 to donate
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