Save ALL The California Huskies
California shelters are in crisis, overwhelmed with post-pandemic animal surrenders and euthanizing hundreds of healthy, adoptable dogs each week for simple lack of space.
Far too many of those dogs are huskies.
That's why H3 launched its California initiative in 2023, to pull kill-listed dogs from high-kill California shelters. H3 staff transport the dogs back to the rescue's permanent site, work to decompress them from their shelter experience, provide them with any medical care or behavioral rehab that they need, and then adopted into permanent homes throughout the continental United States.
As of March 2024, we have saved more than 200 huskies from California.
We recently launched the next phase of our California initiative - #Project100.
Phase 1: Raise $100,000. [COMPLETED]
With your support, we smashed this target in early March, raising $140,000. (But we still need more resources to help rescue so many dogs from 1,500 miles away, so please continue to donate!)
Phase 2: Get 100 more Halfway Huskies into adoptive or foster homes. [IN PROGRESS]
As of March 2024, we have more than 220 huskies on-site at H3. While we are comfortably under our legal limit of 250, we need to free up space at the rescue before we can continue to rescue from California at scale.
Please help us complete Phase 2 by applying to adopt or foster, or helping us to get the word out on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube so that we can reach more potential adopters and fosters.
Phase 3: Give 100 more California huskies who are facing death their lives back.
We can't wait for this part--and to share it with all of you. There is no better feeling than watching a kill-listed husky walk out of a kill facility into the rest of their lives.
Relive our 2023 California pulls with us--and then help us take the next steps in this project.

Join us on this Rescue Ride as we travel across the country to pull 19 euth- listed huskies out of CA shelters and bring them to Oklahoma to learn how to trust again while they wait to be adopted into their new homes.